2010. július 4., vasárnap

Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Ame - angol fordítások

Íme, ráleltem a dalok angol fordítására is. Lássuk hát:

Tsuki ni Murakumo Hana ni Ame:

Uneven Clouds by the Moon, Rain on the Flowers
Translated by Sparrow/wingsinacage

Pale, uneven clouds embrace the alluring moon tinged with colour
I'm also alone like this, fading away

I look through the window at the dim sky of an early summer rain
Wetting my eyes, am I even myself?
Thinking about it, I lean on my elbows
I close my eyes and sigh with a furrowed brow

Pale, uneven clouds embrace the alluring moon tinged with colour
Softly rinsing the stamens, like a long period of rain
I'm also alone like this, gloomily withering
Idle as I am, I want to disappear and dissolve into emptiness***

Losing interest in every day that repeats like a kaleidoscope
The soothing feeling in my palms, I'll hold it in my mouth again
Time is as usual, leading into tomorrow
Pouring forth with unforgiving light

Pale, uneven clouds embrace the alluring moon tinged with colour
Softly rinsing the stamens, like a long period of rain
I'm also alone like this, gloomily withering
Idle as I am, I want to disappear and dissolve into emptiness

Sadly... painfully...
I'm troubled yet intent on sleeping

Since when was the past?
From when will it be the future?
Who am I here in the present?

Pale, uneven clouds embrace the alluring moon tinged with colour
Softly rinsing the stamens, like a long period of rain
I'm also alone like this, gloomily withering
Idle as I am, I want to disappear and dissolve into emptiness

Like the azaleas, like the hydrangeas, I want to disappear


Sun's Origin*
Translated by Sparrow/wingsinacage

Time flows without an end
Even my heart goes on changing, without stopping

But I go forth, walking together with that transience, weakness, and sorrow
In the days that pass by, in the days that pass, I'll turn to my wishes, to the future

Don't disappear, beloved, the moments of spring, summer and winter
Even if they pass each other by sometime, you mustn't forget

Because no matter what small incidents befall, we've no unnecessary shadows and such

Entangled in chains without sight of 'Happiness', I'm tumbling down
Searching for it, dreaming of it
It'll be okay if I can find even myself

Don't disappear, beloved, the moments of spring, summer and winter
Even if they pass each other by sometime, don't lose them

Because the present time is irreplaceable
From yesterday to today, and until tomorrow, hold it in your hands

Don't disappear, beloved, the moments of spring, summer and winter
Even if they pass each other by sometime, you mustn't forget

People are born into this world without venom and fangs
But the most important thing of all is
Surely warmth, without anger and without tears

Gikyoku Hana Ichi Momne:

Drama "Hana Ichimonme"
Translated by Sparrow/wingsinacage

From darkness to darkness, the act of selling lives--that's devilish
Don't go against this--orienting on trends--is it the fate of society to have inked eyebrows?

Wisdom teeth and childish ignorance to sooth, coax and exorcise the area
Kidnapping in general is bitterness and harvesting, hands becoming ruthless--I'm happy we won, a flower is one monme

Innumerably blooming, an office of red, suddenly dancing
Our shouting voices won't reach the gods
Like this part of the season, flowing and being mowed down
Even your regrets, even your grievances

Without understanding any reason, the obi will be peeled off and even made a sport of and teased
Dumbfounded~the honey overflows, it tricks us and deceives our pitiful love

We want that girl, and we want that girl
Ah... isn't it regrettable and mortifying, Ahh... well, it's maddening too

Innumerably blooming evils, an office of red, suddenly dancing
Our shouting voices won't reach the gods
Like this part of the season, flowing and being mowed down
Even your regrets, even your grievances

We want that girl, and we want that girl
We want your girl, and we want your girl
Ah... isn't it regrettable, and mortifying, Ahh... well, it's maddening too

A pity, the peonies are falling, and the dancers' fans are fluttering down
Our wheezing voices are joyfully unchanging

Generally, thoughts fade when they're used up
Even those regrets
Even those grievances
Even those grudges

A fordításokért köszönet wingsinacage-nek, a LiveJournal Kagrra Community tagjának.

1 megjegyzés:

  1. Fú, hát ezek gyönyörűek... *elvan bűvölve*
    Isshi rendőrfőnök nagyon tud..
