鬼咆 (Kihou)
噫 いま月が消えた そう いま影は満ちた 意味さえ残さず
愚かな愛は 愚かな希望は 嘲られ踏み躙られて
闘う事も 抗う事さえ 暗闇の彼方に霞む
響けよ哮る怒りよ 颯を纒い 響けよ濡れた叫びよ
風雅を帯て 響けよ嘆きの詩よ 雷哮く 響けよ最期の聲よ
何故に 心は碎ける 何故に 無為だと知りつつ 命を尊ぶ
儚い夢は 儚い想いは 詰られて淘汰されても
誰かを支え 何かを護って ぽつねんと独りに気付く
響けよ哮る怒りよ 颯を纒い 響けよ濡れた叫びよ
風雅を帯て 響けよ嘆きの詩よ 雷哮く 響けよ最期の聲よ
途絶えた路は 途絶えた言葉は 風化して塵へと貌わり
産まれた過去も 死したる未来も 極自然に忘れ去られて逝く
響けよ哮る怒りよ 颯を纒い 響けよ濡れた叫びよ
風雅を帯て 響けよ嘆きの詩よ 雷哮く 響けよ最期の聲よ
Demon RoarAh, now the moon has disappeared it seems
Now the shadows have risen, without leaving behind a meaning
Foolish love, foolish wishes, are scorned and tread upon
Battling and even resisting are blurry beyond the darkness
Resound, my roaring anger
Entwining with a squall, resound, my drenched screams
Put an end to the elegance, resound, my song of grief
Resound, my final voice, in the roaring thunder
Why is my heart breaking? Why do I know to value life when I'm idle?
Transient dreams, transient thoughts, are rebuked and weeded out
Supporting someone, protecting something
Only when you're alone you notice the difference between that and loneliness
Resound, my roaring anger
Entwining with a squall, resound, my drenched screams
Put an end to the elegance, resound, my song of grief
Resound, my final voice, in the roaring thunder
The road that ended, the words that ended, they weather and turn to dust
The past that was born and the future that dies are naturally being forgotten
Resound, my roaring anger
Entwining with a squall, resound, my drenched screams
Put an end to the elegance, resound, my song of grief
Resound, my final voice, in the roaring thunder
魔夏の世の夢 (Manatsu no Yo no Yume)
夏の夜の夢現 廻れよ 廻れ 廻れ 唄声を轟かせ ららるら るらら 踊り明かそう
月輪に燈を灯し 游べや 游べ 游べ 手を繋ぎ足揃え ららら るららら
然うよ此の世は刹那の刻 終わるなら 消えるなら 嗤って羽撃け**
闇夜を跳ねる蝶になれ 白く白く染まれ 煌めく粉を従えて 赤く紅く花火のように
幽く華になれ 青く蒼く染まれ 燐光をその軀に羽織り 黒く黒く金剛石のように
伽藍堂の幻に 狂えや 狂え 狂え 髑髏も歯嚼みして ららら るららら
然うよ彼の夜は未開の土地 朽ちるなら 果てるなら 世界を壊して
白夜を駆ける虎になれ 白く白く染まれ 永劫燃える鳥になれ 赤く紅く花火のように
大河の龍になれ 青く蒼く染まれ 富嶽を揺らす亀になれ 黒く黒く金剛石のように
燃えるなら 爆ぜるなら 微塵も残さず
闇夜を跳ねる蝶になれ 白く白く染まれ 煌めく粉を従えて 赤く紅く花火のように
幽く華になれ 青く蒼く染まれ 燐光をその軀ノ羽織り 黒く黒く染まれ
四神の背に跨りて 荒く荒く唸れ 天鵞絨の衣を纒い 白く赤く青く黒く銀に金に美麗に舞え****
A Demonsummer World's DreamCaught between dream and reality on a summer night
Turn! Turn, turn, let your singing voice roar
Rararura rurara, we'll dance to the crack of dawn
Our lamps are lit by the full moon
Float! Float, float, join hands and gather your feet together
Rarara urarara
So, this world is a momentary scratch
If it ends, if it disappears, laugh and flap your wings
Become a butterfly prancing through the dark night, dye it white, white
With glittering powder, red, deep red, like fireworks
Become a secluded flower, dye it blue, blue
Wear phosphorescence on your body, black, black, like a diamond*
In a phantom monastery
Go mad! Go mad, go mad, grind teeth and skulls
Rarara urarara
So, that world is an uncivilized land
If it rots, if it ends, destroy the world
Become a tiger running through the white night, dye it white, white
Become an eternally burning bird, red, deep red, like fireworks
Become a dragon of the river, dye it blue, blue
Become a turtle rocking Mt. Fuji, black, black, like diamond
If it burns, if it bursts open, it won't even leave behind an atom
Become a butterfly prancing through the dark night, dye it white, white
With glittering powder, red, deep red, like fireworks
Become a secluded flower, dye it blue, blue
Wear phosphorescence on your body, dye it black, black
Extending beyond the Shijin, roar wildly, wildly
Wearing clothes of velvet, dance beautifully in white, red, blue, black, silver and gold
The title 'Manatsu no Yo no Yume' is a play on everything.
First of all, it's a play on 真夏の夜の夢 which is pronounced the same way, and would be translated as "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
But Isshi changed 夜 (night) to 世 (world), and the first kanji in 真夏 (midsummer) to 魔 (demon). Yeah... go Isshi!
*He sings 'daiya' which is the loan-word for diamond, though it's written with the Japanese word 金剛石 "kongouseki."
Shijin (Isshi sings Shishin, but it's the same thing) are four animal gods, originally from Chinese mythology. They're also mentioned individually earlier in the song.