A LiveJournalon találtam ezt, wingsinacage munkája. Mivel a fordítások így túl hosszúak, több posztba szedtem szét őket. Enjoy it!
契 (Chigiri)
はら はら はらり 粉雪が舞う ゆら ゆら ゆらり 心は揺れる
嵩ね合わせた左の手右の手掌に 流れ出る 紅の色は 白に華を添える 幽音も無く
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠の時を
くら くら くらり 景色が歪む ふら ふら ふらり 意識は遠退いてく
見詰め合わせた左の眼右の眼滲む目眩 浸す闇に 軀を委ねて 淡い息を吐いて 俄に微笑む*
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠の時を
渦巻いた 因果律は 燈を散し 儚と燃ゆ
其方への この想い 一露とて 零さずに 奥の奥まで呑み干しましょう
悲恋故昇華する刹那の瞬き 灰になれ塵になれ輝きを湛え
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠に離れぬように
Gently, gently, gently falling, the powdery snow dances
Sway, sway, swaying, my heart shivers
In my overlapped left and right palms
The red colour gushing forth accompanies white to decorate the flowers, without even a peep
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
An eternal time linked together without coming undone
Slip, slip, slipping, the scenery warps
Aim, aim, aimlessly, my consciousness becomes more distant
I stared at the blurry vertigo with my left and right eyes
Entrusting my body to the seeping darkness, I breathe a faint breath and suddenly smile*
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
An eternal time linked together without coming undone
Causes and effects whirled around, scattering the lights and burning with our dreams
Though there's just one way for my thoughts to get there
Without spilling any, let's drink it dry to the innermost**
Because of our blighted love, the sublime instant twinkle
Becomes ash, becomes dust, and fills up the radiance
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
Linked together without coming undone, so we won't separate for all eternity
* 浸す (to soak) is usually pronounced 'hitasu', whereas the kanji for 'okasu' is 侵 (to invade)--hence my translation of 'seeping'. Also for this line, the Japanese has written 'hohoemu' but Isshi only sings 'emu'. Doesn't change the meaning much, though; they're both 'smile'.
** This seems to be completely out of context... I don't even know...
隠恋慕 (Kakurenbo)
魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 君は何処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? もういいよ・・・。
君を追いかけて 奈落に墜ち込んだ 季節の始め 春の日 目隠しをされて 光を失った 孤独な温もり 夏の日
そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて そう いつもいつも 届かない 君を呼ぶ聲は
君の小さな手が 小指と薬指を 握り締めてた 秋の日 その倅かんだ手が 気付けば離れていた 二度と戻る事のない 冬の日
そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて そう いつもいつも 聴こえない 鬼さんこちら
魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 僕は此処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? 返事をして・・・。
Hidden Love
My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
Where are you? Isn't it enough already...? It's okay now...
I chased you and fell into hell in the beginning of the seasons, spring days
I was blindfolded and lost the light, in the lonely warmth of summer days
Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever, forever, my voice that calls for you won't reach
Your small hands tightly gripped my pinky and ring fingers, in autumn days
If you'd noticed that the hand those servants bit was separated, it can't return ever again in winter days*
Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever, forever, come here, Oni-san who isn't listening
My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
Aren't I here? Isn't it enough already...? Answer me...
*This line, once again, seems completely out of context.
sutafairu and I talked about it, and we seem to agree that it has the meaning of "biting the hand that feeds you" which is still kind of... out of context.
鬼還 (Kikan)
時は満ちた 風に融け土に溶けて無へ 灰に染みた穢れすぎた魂放て
夥しく儚く咲く白菊に その躯を委ねたなら 浮かべたならば
黄泉への道標が記された 川辺の石音さえ聴こえる
流され流れた日々の悔恨も泪も せせらぎがそう
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せ
腐敗の大地 暗く濁る澱み逝く昊 生命さえ口を噤む世界を壊せ
華々しい誘惑に満ちた粉に その手を伸ばしたなら 掬ったならば
天への階段へと導かれ 扉が雲を別けて顕る
傷つき傷つけたあの感触も悼みも 幻惑がそう
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せて
噫 聲が遠い場所で囁いてる 噫 人は原罪から逃れえぬ
悦楽も歓びも棄てて 限りなく溢れる哀しみを抱いて
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せ
神々よ慈悲の鞭で 解放を与え賜え 永遠に揺らぐ事の無い眩き境地を
時は満ちた 風に融け土に溶けて無へ 灰に染みた穢れすぎた魂解き放て
Return of the Demon
The time has come, dissolve into the wind, melt into the earth, to nothing
Release your corrupted soul that has been steeped in the ashes
If you entrusted your body to the many transient, blooming white chrysanthemums
If you could have floated away
You remembered the signposts on the way to hell
You could even hear the sound of the stones on the riverbank
The regret and tears of our days that flowed and washed away seem like a stream
Because I forget how it is to gently touch you, to tuck you in
How is your heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
Stop engraving your thoughts and kindly lower your eyes
The vast and depraved land, the dark, muddy and stagnating sky
Even life keeps us silent and destroys the world
If you stretched out your hands to the powder filled by brilliant temptation
If you scooped it up
Guiding me up the stairway to heaven
The door leaves the clouds especially bare
Wounding and being wounded, that sensation and that lamentation seems fascinating
Because I forget how it is to gently touch you, to tuck you in
How is my heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
I'll stop engraving my thoughts and kindly lower my eyes
Ah, voices are whispering in a distant place
Ah, people can't escape from their primitive sins
Things like repentance have no meaning at all, so it's a futile thing
Abandon fun and delight, embrace the endlessly overflowing sorrow
How is your heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
Stop engraving your thoughts and kindly lower your eyes
Gods, with your whips of compassion, please liberate us
From our dizzying circumstances that are ever unchanging*
The time has come, dissolve into the wind, melt into the earth, to nothing
Let go of your corrupted soul that has been steeped in the ashes
The title, 鬼還, is a play on the word 帰還, which means 'return' (in the sense of returning from a mission or errand).
* This line is a bit awkward. It's literally "eternally without swaying, [dizziness/radiant] circumstances" but that sounds like nonsense so I reworded it to be more poetic. ^^
契 (Chigiri)
はら はら はらり 粉雪が舞う ゆら ゆら ゆらり 心は揺れる
嵩ね合わせた左の手右の手掌に 流れ出る 紅の色は 白に華を添える 幽音も無く
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠の時を
くら くら くらり 景色が歪む ふら ふら ふらり 意識は遠退いてく
見詰め合わせた左の眼右の眼滲む目眩 浸す闇に 軀を委ねて 淡い息を吐いて 俄に微笑む*
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠の時を
渦巻いた 因果律は 燈を散し 儚と燃ゆ
其方への この想い 一露とて 零さずに 奥の奥まで呑み干しましょう
悲恋故昇華する刹那の瞬き 灰になれ塵になれ輝きを湛え
現世に誑され縺れあう糸よ 解れずに絡みあえ永遠に離れぬように
Gently, gently, gently falling, the powdery snow dances
Sway, sway, swaying, my heart shivers
In my overlapped left and right palms
The red colour gushing forth accompanies white to decorate the flowers, without even a peep
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
An eternal time linked together without coming undone
Slip, slip, slipping, the scenery warps
Aim, aim, aimlessly, my consciousness becomes more distant
I stared at the blurry vertigo with my left and right eyes
Entrusting my body to the seeping darkness, I breathe a faint breath and suddenly smile*
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
An eternal time linked together without coming undone
Causes and effects whirled around, scattering the lights and burning with our dreams
Though there's just one way for my thoughts to get there
Without spilling any, let's drink it dry to the innermost**
Because of our blighted love, the sublime instant twinkle
Becomes ash, becomes dust, and fills up the radiance
Strings that are tangled together, deceived by the present world
Linked together without coming undone, so we won't separate for all eternity
* 浸す (to soak) is usually pronounced 'hitasu', whereas the kanji for 'okasu' is 侵 (to invade)--hence my translation of 'seeping'. Also for this line, the Japanese has written 'hohoemu' but Isshi only sings 'emu'. Doesn't change the meaning much, though; they're both 'smile'.
** This seems to be completely out of context... I don't even know...
隠恋慕 (Kakurenbo)
魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 君は何処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? もういいよ・・・。
君を追いかけて 奈落に墜ち込んだ 季節の始め 春の日 目隠しをされて 光を失った 孤独な温もり 夏の日
そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて そう いつもいつも 届かない 君を呼ぶ聲は
君の小さな手が 小指と薬指を 握り締めてた 秋の日 その倅かんだ手が 気付けば離れていた 二度と戻る事のない 冬の日
そう いまもいまも 君を捜す 抱き締めたくて そう いつもいつも 聴こえない 鬼さんこちら
魅いて惹かれるこの恋は 終わらない隠れんぼ 僕は此処にいるの? もういいかい・・・? 返事をして・・・。
Hidden Love
My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
Where are you? Isn't it enough already...? It's okay now...
I chased you and fell into hell in the beginning of the seasons, spring days
I was blindfolded and lost the light, in the lonely warmth of summer days
Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever, forever, my voice that calls for you won't reach
Your small hands tightly gripped my pinky and ring fingers, in autumn days
If you'd noticed that the hand those servants bit was separated, it can't return ever again in winter days*
Yes, even now, even now, I search for you, wanting to hold you
Yes, forever, forever, come here, Oni-san who isn't listening
My love, charmed and captivated, an endless hide and seek
Aren't I here? Isn't it enough already...? Answer me...
*This line, once again, seems completely out of context.
鬼還 (Kikan)
時は満ちた 風に融け土に溶けて無へ 灰に染みた穢れすぎた魂放て
夥しく儚く咲く白菊に その躯を委ねたなら 浮かべたならば
黄泉への道標が記された 川辺の石音さえ聴こえる
流され流れた日々の悔恨も泪も せせらぎがそう
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せ
腐敗の大地 暗く濁る澱み逝く昊 生命さえ口を噤む世界を壊せ
華々しい誘惑に満ちた粉に その手を伸ばしたなら 掬ったならば
天への階段へと導かれ 扉が雲を別けて顕る
傷つき傷つけたあの感触も悼みも 幻惑がそう
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せて
噫 聲が遠い場所で囁いてる 噫 人は原罪から逃れえぬ
悦楽も歓びも棄てて 限りなく溢れる哀しみを抱いて
心よどうか穏やかに 久遠の虚ろの中で 思考の刻みを止めて優しく眼を伏せ
神々よ慈悲の鞭で 解放を与え賜え 永遠に揺らぐ事の無い眩き境地を
時は満ちた 風に融け土に溶けて無へ 灰に染みた穢れすぎた魂解き放て
Return of the Demon
The time has come, dissolve into the wind, melt into the earth, to nothing
Release your corrupted soul that has been steeped in the ashes
If you entrusted your body to the many transient, blooming white chrysanthemums
If you could have floated away
You remembered the signposts on the way to hell
You could even hear the sound of the stones on the riverbank
The regret and tears of our days that flowed and washed away seem like a stream
Because I forget how it is to gently touch you, to tuck you in
How is your heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
Stop engraving your thoughts and kindly lower your eyes
The vast and depraved land, the dark, muddy and stagnating sky
Even life keeps us silent and destroys the world
If you stretched out your hands to the powder filled by brilliant temptation
If you scooped it up
Guiding me up the stairway to heaven
The door leaves the clouds especially bare
Wounding and being wounded, that sensation and that lamentation seems fascinating
Because I forget how it is to gently touch you, to tuck you in
How is my heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
I'll stop engraving my thoughts and kindly lower my eyes
Ah, voices are whispering in a distant place
Ah, people can't escape from their primitive sins
Things like repentance have no meaning at all, so it's a futile thing
Abandon fun and delight, embrace the endlessly overflowing sorrow
How is your heart so calm in the eternal emptiness?
Stop engraving your thoughts and kindly lower your eyes
Gods, with your whips of compassion, please liberate us
From our dizzying circumstances that are ever unchanging*
The time has come, dissolve into the wind, melt into the earth, to nothing
Let go of your corrupted soul that has been steeped in the ashes
The title, 鬼還, is a play on the word 帰還, which means 'return' (in the sense of returning from a mission or errand).
* This line is a bit awkward. It's literally "eternally without swaying, [dizziness/radiant] circumstances" but that sounds like nonsense so I reworded it to be more poetic. ^^
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